Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well, you don't know what we can find. Why don't you come with me little girl, on a magic carpet ride.

I cannot believe it’s already the last full week of October! Where has the time gone? I swear, if I don’t catch up on sleep soon, I’m just going to have to take a week vacation for that purpose alone! Anyway, come along for the ride and see what’s going on with me:

A) I have 2 weeks left of school and then I’m off until January. Yay! Except that the last 2-3 weeks is always the hardest part. I have 7 Supreme Court cases to brief in one class and a 3000 word paper to write in the other class on a subject that I don’t completely understand. I know, I know, this all sounds like fun to you – well it isn’t! In addition to all of this…

B) I am in a wedding this upcoming weekend, which means from Thursday to Saturday, I am booked solid with events to get drunk at (hence, not much schoolwork is getting finished).

C) Hockey season started both for me personally and in the NHL. Since my beloved Buffalo Sabres are red hot right now (8-0 to start the season), I am trying to listen to the games via the internet while doing homework. For my personal hockey seasons, Sunday’s and Wednesday’s are now lost for 3-4 hours while I go work out some stress. This is great, but again, not much homework is being done.

D) After last hockey season ended for me around the end of August, I took about 3 weeks off to let my body heal. Now that I am back playing, my body is even sorer and I am contemplating actually going to the doctor to see how bad it is. My body is pretty beat up and I’ve only played in five games since the end of September. My right knee has a shooting pain the day after a game and both shoulders/rotator cuffs hurt for about 2 days after. This is worrisome because I had RC problems in my right shoulder when I was 16 and I am hoping I don’t have to go through that again! My back is usually stiff now, the joints in my hips always hold some level of pain and my right elbow has a constant twinge in it as well. I am worried that he is going to tell me to take time off from hockey and there is just no way I could survive without it. If anyone has a health tip to get me through this, feel free to let me know!

E) Work has been keeping me quite busy. I have found some intermittent time to do my regular blog surfing/reading, but none to do any of my own posts. I’ve been arriving at work relatively close to on time, which is a significant step up from last year at this time when I couldn’t get to work before 10am! I have been shoveling food down my face during my ½ hour lunch breaks and getting right back to work. Then most nights, I am leaving well after my scheduled time – and once again, the homework problem! My paychecks have been nice, with all the OT I’m accumulating and it’s a good thing I have more money now because…

F) I have a girlfriend! I just adore her and I enjoy taking her places, getting dinner with her, lying on the couch with her and just staring at her because she is just so damned cute! She looks a lot like Amy Smart, but with shorter hair. Her personality suits mine perfectly and we have had a lot of fun in the past 2 months. So much so that I invited her to come to NYC with me in - see the “Trip to NYC” Clock, in my sidebar, below the Quote of the Day. Anyway, the extra money I’ve gained working OT and that my brother is now here splitting the bills with me, has all gone to the "girlfriend fund". It’s all good though, she makes me very happy, so it’s worth it! However, that’s right, you know it’s coming…the homework is not being done promptly and I tend to stay up really late now...for some reason (hint, hint).

Now, is anyone still wondering why I haven’t posted in a while? Yea, I didn’t think so.

1 comment:

Juggling Mother said...

good luck with school stuff & cograts on the girlfriend front.

have fun:-)