Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you.

Sometimes, you just have to wonder, “What the fuck are people thinking?”

I saw a great commercial the other day for November 10th when Cinemax will show all six Star Wars episodes in order for the first time ever. Scenes from all six movies were set to Coldplay’s “Fix You” and it very well done and poignant, you know, for a movie marathon trailer. Now, I have no issue with this because if I had Cinemax, I would definitely sit there for 14 hours and watch Star Wars continuously. The issue I have is that it starts at midnight. 12:00 am. 00:00:00 on the clock. Why would you start a movie marathon at that time of the day? Whose genius idea was this? Do you think the marketing people at Cinemax were sitting around a room brainstorming and then somebody piped up and said, “…and we should start it at midnight!” And the whole room stopped for a moment and thought, “Wow, that IS a really good idea! Let’s do it!” And so it began. On the one hand, hardcore Star Wars enthusiast will do this and normal people such as myself will be sound asleep for the majority of that time and then watch them on DVD later because there is no way I am going to screw up my sleep schedule and stay up ALL NIGHT to watch Star Wars!

Watch the trailer here.

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