Monday, September 25, 2006

Rebel, rebel and yell cause our people still dwell in hell.

Oooooooo, I am feisty today!

I received what I thought was spam in my email this morning. It was from an American/Israeli group in regards to the war in Iraq, the situation in Israel, the lies being told by American mainstream media...blah, blah, blah. After reading about 5 sentences, I was pretty mad, so I just started to write a reply back, my thoughts flowing like a fire hydrant and I laid into whoever wrote the email real good. However, I did not assault the person personally, I only attacked their "group" for continuing with the lies that they so vehemently oppose from our own media. I'm not going to bore you with details of either email. What I will tell you is that it was not spam! I know this because I got a response from a specific person who attacked me, my upbringing, my marital status (why, I do not know) and my mother!

Need I say more as to why I am feisty today? Well, I'm going to anyway.


Women. I love women, but for the love of...please wear a bra when you are going to wear a tank top to the grocery store! a) It's usually chilly in the store and men will notice those things; and b) With every step you take, I swear one of your melons are going to fly out the side! I wouldn't have mentioned this if it had just been one weirdo women, but it was more like 5 women - and 3 of them were fairly attractive, so it was difficult not to stare!


Before I moved last week, I purchased DirecTV. I scheduled the installation appointment for Friday. I didn’t realize that my apartment did not face the southern sky as much as it needed to, so I had to cancel it and go back to cable. When I called to cancel, the customer service lady asked me why I was cancelling and I told her the straightforward reason. Her next question, I kid you not, "Will you want to reschedule your appointment?" I wanted to say, "Well, if my apartment suddenly rotates enough to start facing the southern sky, I'll reschedule," but I politely said, "No, thank you." She then asked, "Why?" I swear I am not making this up! I politely reiterated my statement from earlier and she must have understood my frustration because she said, "Ok then, have a nice weekend!"


Juggling Mother said...

LOL, there are day's that seemed designed to annoy you! firtunately every now & then you get the opposite days, where everything goes right:-)

The not spam sounds dodgy though. Did they get the info about you from your reply, your blog, or your real life? And if they kew you at all, why send it? Or at last why get upset that you disagreed? It couldn't have been that much of a surprise.

goal10der said...

The person who responded said they assumed those things based upon my response. We all know what happens when you assume things...right?

What got me more was that it was sent to my very personal, private email. The one I don't use for my blog and only my close friends and family have. Even if you took a shot in the dark at someone's email, I can't imagine you'd come up with mine!

Nonetheless, you're right, their response really wasn't much of a surprise.

On a completely different side note, it's been so long since I've had time to write something or read anything, maybe even this little comment will push me to get something done around here!