Monday, September 11, 2006

I Will Remember You

Alok Kumar Mehta, Hempstead, NY - 23 years old

Five years ago today, as the world stopped because of these acts of horror and tragedy, Alok was working for Cantor Fitzgerald as a manager in the World Trade Center.

While I could not know the too-short story that was Alok's life, I am certain that his life will always be remembered by his friends, family and those who were acquainted with him even for the briefest of moments. His friends remember his terrible backrubs, his wicked sense of humor and his amazing knowledge of pro football stats. He graduated from Colorado State University in 1998 and had entered in the MBA program at Hofstra. He was interning at Cantor Fitzgerald when tragedy struck.

His friends recall that he was a very caring, open person with a huge heart. He was liked by everyone. Funny, smart, charismatic and he made everyone around him feel important.

That fateful morning, Alok was just a fresh-faced 23-year-old manager working in the World Trade Center, which was probably one of the biggest thrills of his life. I can only imagine the view he had on a daily basis; searching the horizon from his office, high atop the Trade Center. Did he scour the upper Manhattan skyline; the boroughs to the east; maybe he looked down upon New Jersey; or maybe he was able to view the Statue of Liberty lonely standing by herself in the Hudson River, the ever enduring symbol of the United States.

Alok, you are missed greatly by all those who know and love you. You are also missed greatly by those who have never met you, but will honor your life, and your death. Peace be with you.

I urge you to leave comments here for Alok or on these message boards:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for remembering and helping me remember. Its a beautiful tribute.