Friday, March 3, 2006

Start spreadin' the news...

“I’m leavin’ on Thurs-day. I’m gonna be a part of it, New York, New York!” That’s right, I am going on a 3.5-day mini vacation to NYC next week for my birthday (Wednesday, in case you’d like to send me a gift, in which case, I prefer cash). I am going to see all of my friends, we are going to have an excellent weekend of drinking, laughing, maybe some gambling in Atlantic City, and I’m sure we’ll have some great conversations as well, which is the norm when we get together. I’ll be sure to try to update over the course of the weekend and post a few pictures as well! I. Am. Excited!

Ok, that’s out of the way, so on to a lighter hearted post.

Why don’t dogs jump out of the window of a moving car? Usually, they can’t get outside fast enough, but get them in the car, open the window and they sit there. I don’t get it.

The law clerk in the office next to me called the Houston Chronicle today to let them know they deleted her favorite word puzzle from the daily paper. Ok, I know many people are into that sort of thing; it helps to stimulate your mind and keeps your mind sharp, but seriously, find a different puzzle to work on and get over it.

When the elevator doors open on the bottom floor, more than likely, people will be exiting, namely, ME. Wait for me to walk out before attempting to get on the elevator. Stand back a few feet to give me room to exit, and then when it looks to be all clear, I assume you’ll know when that occurs, step in. Really, it’s not that hard folks. Also, it seems to me that this is just a common courtesy.

Finally, two weasels are sitting at a bar. One turns to the other and screams, “I slept with your mother!” The bar hushes waiting to hear what is going to happen next. He gets up off his stool and screams again, “Did you hear me? I slept with your mother!” The other weasel calmly turns around to face him and says, “Go home Dad, you’re drunk.”

That’s all I have folks, thank you and good night!


Anonymous said...

You're hilarious. Have fun in New York!


Anonymous said...

It is so cool that you are coming up to NYC. This is going to be a great weekend! Drinks are free in Atlantic City, right?


goal10der said...

Which part of me is hilarious, Sam? The singing of NY, NY or the weasel joke?
Dave, I think the drinks are free if we're gambling, which, most likely, we will be! WOO HOO! Or we'll charge em to Koch!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the singing, the dogs, the elevator, the's all good. :)


goal10der said...

Yea, I guess I was a bit silly that day!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY B-DAY!!! I just turned also! I hope you have a great time in NYC, and i can't wait to see your pictures.. :) -Kelly(kelbelkao)

Schnozz said...

Ohhh the elevator problem. Don't get me started!