Thursday, December 8, 2005

Baby, it's cold outside

It's pretty chilly here today, 31 degrees when I left for work, but probably about 20 with the wind chill, so I am wearing a sweater and my winter coat, which of course is made for winters in Buffalo, not necessarily for a few cold days in Houston. Nonetheless, I'm getting shit about it from my coworkers! I told them this is cold, even for people from the North, but they still insist on ragging on me. I don't remember complaining about how ridiculously hot was when it was 110 degrees with the heat index this summer! They need to lay off and stop coming to my office to razz me, it's really childish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree- a 20 degree windchill in Texas would feel the same as a 20 degree windchill in Buffalo. That is way too cold for me. The only exception is a 20 degree windchill in Oswego since the laws of nature don't apply there.