Thursday, September 15, 2005

We've got to get to a higher place...

The monotony of my job is almost too much to bear. I arrived 54 minutes late this morning and nobody really cared, other than me, because I am paid by the hour. I woke up late this morning and stayed in bed 20 minutes after that to play with the cat. I concocted a cute little story (i.e.: lie) for when I arrived, yet nobody asked why I was late, so I didn't even bother to mention it. I came in, put my lunch in the refrigerator, clocked in and went to my office to sit here and write this.

I've had a couple people walk in and out of my office for different things and the law clerk next door asked me about converting grams to ounces. Why? I have no idea, but apparently, it warranted ME getting on the internet and figuring it out. By the way, 28.35g = 1oz, in case you cared. She is always asking me inane questions about things and wondering who is playing on my iPod. I swear 3/4 of the time I think she has no idea who I am listening to, but will claim she enjoys them. Then she’ll ask, “Have I ever heard of so and so” Did I ask you to come bother me? I don't want your suggestions about opera either. I don't mind opera, but I don't want a 20-minute conversation about it, with tangents that have only the slightest bit of relevance to, wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yea, OPERA! According to her, don't see a Mozart opera either. Personally, I enjoy Mozart, but I didn't want to get into another 20 minutes on who was the greatest composer ever, so I just nodded and smiled.

Where was I? Oh yea, my mind-numbing, time-wasting excuse I have for income. Yesterday, I played about 70 games of Freecell, read some blogs, wrote some emails, searched for some things on the internet and did about an hours worth of work - right at the end of the day. I really need to start job hunting. I suppose I'll have to update my resume and post it...soon.

I definitely need to find something where my voice is heard and I have work to keep me busy for at least 80% of the day. If you know of a job like this or can offer me a job like this, I'm available! The only request I have is that I make a couple bucks more than I make now.



I think I'll lay low for the next couple hours and actually do some work until about 3pm. I can't imagine having anything to keep me busy beyond that.

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