Saturday, October 29, 2005

One day we’ll celebrate every Halloween

What is up with adults dressing up for Halloween? God, I am so sick of people asking me what I am going to be for Halloween! If I had a dime for everyone who’s asked me this past week… Seriously people, I dress up every day to be someone I’m not; it’s called my job! Why would I want to do it again and spend more money on clothes that I’ll only use for one day? Halloween is such a crappy holiday anyway. What is it that makes it a holiday? Nobody gets the day off work. If you don’t get the day off work, it’s not real holiday.

I think it’s a giant conspiracy – and I mean huge!

Think about it, first it’s the people who grow the pumpkins. The only other thing people use pumpkins for are baking the seeds, pie and cookies right? What other uses are there?

Then, there are the card makers. Hallmark must have gotten in on this in the early stages. Why do we need a card for Halloween?

Then the candy companies got involved. Don’t even tell me Hershey’s wasn’t the first on this boat either! I’m all for chocolate, but I’m also very attached to my teeth! Which brings me to:

The Dentists! They are the ones who are manipulating parents all over the country by lobbying for this holiday because after all the candy has been consumed; teeth will be rotting for years, keeping the dentists in business forever.

But I’m talking about the adults dressing up, not the kids, the kids are fine, it’s supposed to be fun for them, not for the adults, we (supposedly) grew up.

Now we have the side businesses that benefit from Halloween. For instance, the grocery stores that have to sell the candy and the aisle of costumes they carry. Then it’s the party stores that for a month load up on the “hot costumes” for kids and adults alike. Then there are the adult erotica shops that carry the slightly more naughty costumes for adults. What about the bars? They must hold a Halloween costume party, complete with a contest for the best costume. All the while, people are drinking more than they should to celebrate a non-holiday, holiday. Sad.

You see all the people making money off of all you suckers for a one day “holiday”? If you’d like to throw away money for a better cause, try sending some this way or I’ll have to continue dressing up to be someone I’m not and go to work.

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