Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I’m on the highway to hell

Some random notes while driving to work this morning:

A. The speed limit is 40 mph, you should try it sometime.

B. Don’t fly by me in the right lane at 60 mph and then cut me off and slam on the brakes so you can make a left turn because 1) it’s rude and 2) you could’ve very easily eased into the left lane BEHIND me where there were NO CARS and no potential for causing an accident!

C. Stop staring at the joggers and go when the light turns green. Oh wait, that was me.

D. When the three cars ran the red light, which was well within their limits of stopping for, why didn’t the motorcycle cop who made the left turn heading in their direction pull them over? If that had been me running the light, I would’ve been pulled over in a flash, but these three people apparently have “Don’t pull me over – I didn’t do anything wrong” written all over their cars and the cops believe it!

E. The white lines that define the parking spaces in the garage serve as a guide as to where you should park, might I suggest using them? If you choose not to, I will park next you, in between my lines, and don’t be surprised if you can’t get into your car because mine is right up against it. See, I’m of the firm belief that if you can’t even park the car, then you shouldn’t be driving it!

1 comment:

goal10der said...

I like that idea, but I can only imagine the abuse that might ensue. Gangs just running around clicking people for no reason. It would be a whole new style of crime.
On the other hand, if we keep sending people back to take their tests and charge them every time, using the income to support the public education system in the US, maybe we would have better educated drivers in a couple hundred years!