Friday, September 30, 2005

You drive me crazy

I know I already ranted about poor driving skills, but seriously people, let’s get it together. Time is money and sitting behind these people is costing me a lot of money! If we could take the millions of crappy drivers out there and get them off the road, just think of how much more productive the rest of us could be because we aren’t stuck in traffic!

To the two SUV’s in front of me, that’s right, you in the Toyota Land Cruiser and you too in the tractor-trailer sized Ford Excursion; your vehicles are made for rough terrain, therefore, a few bumps in the road ARE NOT cause for slowing down! I know the speed limit was only 30mph, but doing 12 over a couple bumps in the road is completely unnecessary and slowing me down from getting back to work.

Maybe you don’t know why I have to get back to work so quickly, is that why you’re driving me insane – at 12 mph? Well, let me tell you why I have to get back to work…oh wait, I’ve already covered the fact we aren’t getting paid for hurricane time and I have to gather all the time on the clock that I can.

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