Thursday, September 1, 2005

If dreams are like movies, then memories are films about ghosts.

So, I've decided that there comes a time when you just have to get everything off your chest. Hence, I have begun blogging. Some days my rants will be long-winded, some days they may be non-sensical, other days may find me in an unusual good mood, which means my rant will barely last a paragraph. You'll find me going off about any number of things from politics to religion to sports to life in general and possibly anything in between.

Feel free to comment about anything I have said because the only way I'll ever understand people is by hearing and understanding their point of view, whether I agree with it or not.

One more item of note: you may notice that all of the titles will be music lyrics. Music is the soundtrack of our lives and I can't think of a day that has gone by in th last 20 or so years of my life that doesn't have a song associated with it.

Again, please comment on them if you know what song they are from or are going to buy me tickets to the next concert!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In reference to Elisabeth's comments, It is strange that less than one year later you refer to a memory on another blog you have written as a Ghost and Ghoul of the worst kind and how you wish you could go back and change it. I sensed your frustration as you reiterated that "I cant. I can't. I can't." It really is hard to shake those thoughts, Beth. How different our lives could be if we only had the power to change the past with the realization that pain inflicted was not always pain intended, especially when it was from someone you loved - and maybe still do.